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Currently the largest radio station in Poland is RMF FM. For a number of years, RMF has operated a system where songs will be tried and tested before being given airplay in very much the same way as food is tested before landing on supermarket shelves. If a number of ‘consumers’ deem a song to be not to their taste, the song will not be on RMF’s playlist. As a commercial radio station, RMF depends on income from advertisers, hence a falling number of listeners would be considered highly detrimental to future revenue from advertising. Any interference from some secretive Masonic organisation from the west in order to influence RMF’s playlist therefore seems unlikely, though one does have ...


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As an Englishman living in Poland, composing songs in English, it is natural that I would prefer not to be subjected to such a quota system – however, when looking at the new system objectively, I cannot really see any purpose, nor logic whatsoever in it’s introduction. An argument I’ve heard in favour of the new quota is that it will enable Polish music to develop, be heard and thus gain popularity and strength. This is a misnomer as people will simply continue to do what they are already doing - turning off their TVs and radios and looking for interesting new music online. Additionally and perhaps most importantly, those still listening, will be subjected to songs that – to be ...


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When people hear of bands going on tour, obvious images spring to mind: alcohol-fuelled excess, trashed hotel rooms and of course bands self-imploding. Yesterday morning we set off on a mini-tour of Poland, so far we’re still very much together and not nursing any black eyes and our hotel in Szczecin can proudly say that it hasn’t been forced to call the police with reports of TV sets flying out of sixth-floor windows – yet! Tours can be unforgiving, exhausting but ultimately rewarding as you can have the opportunity to uncover some real gems – e.g. our concert this year in Grudziądz was not only great fun but possibly one of the most beautiful views, I’ve seen from ...
